
For the many challenges the current climate may bring, there are also new opportunities to learn and develop our research skills. Remote research techniques aren’t new, but now we’re reliant on them, how do we make them even better? Join our speakers (remotely of course!) to find out.

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Come on in!

If you are joining us for the first time today take a moment to complete your profile on the platform and meet your fellow attendees, our contributors and sponsors. Grab a cuppa, an extra cushion or two...are you sitting comfortably as we're about to begin!

Welcome to Day 2: Research

Andy Budd
Founder of Clearleft and Curator of SofaConf

Looking Inwards - Things We Learned About Ourselves And Our Research Practice From Our Internal COVID-19 Surveys.

Leisa Reichelt
Head of Research and Insights

In the days after Atlassian offices closed and 5000 staff made the mass transition to working from home across the business, the Research & Insights team joined forces with our People team to make sure we had a plan to understand the impacts this global event was having our our people, and what we needed to to do make sure people were safe and well. This case study looks at some of the things we learned from that study. There are some interesting insights from the data, but equally importantly, some things we learned about what makes a truly effective research program that we can apply more generally to all our research work.

Q&A with Leisa

Leisa Reichelt
Head of Research and Insights
Andy Budd
Founder of Clearleft and Curator of SofaConf

Andy will put your questions to Leisa


Time for a break from sitting down, take a walk if you can, grab a cuppa maybe (or maybe a drink) We'll be back in 30 mins.

Fieldwork From Home

Kelly Goto
Principal, CEO
gotoresearch, gotomedia

Kelly Goto will take you through an in-depth yet practical look at conducting deep dive, remote research. A similar process to digital diary studies, she'll show you how to encourage self-reporting and documentation, how and when to prompt through a study, and several activities to spur brainstorming or establish needs. Kelly will take you through what tools to use (and what to avoid) and realistic ways to keep the study moving forward. She'll look at samples of the types of 'snippets' and insights that can be generated through these methods, and how this information feeds back into real-world product cycles.

Q&A with Kelly Goto

Kelly Goto
Principal, CEO
gotoresearch, gotomedia
Andy Budd
Founder of Clearleft and Curator of SofaConf

Andy will take your questions for Kelly

Yoga session - have a stretch

We have yoga instructor Jeff Phenix leading a session to help relieve stress, reduce anxiety through mindfulness and stretch our limbs. Stay where you are Jeff's session has been choreographed so you can do all the moves from your seat!

Join us on the sofa

A chance now for you to chat with your fellow attendees over a cup of tea (other drinks available). Or join a conversation to share your stories, learnings and challenges during these extraordinary and unprecedented times. Feel free to use the discussion channels we have created.

You're on the Air, I'm Listening: Facilitating Remote Research

Rachel Price
Senior Information Architect

If you are running remote research methods for the first time, it can feel like a real constraint. What if you can't get a good rapport with your participant because you're not in the same room? How are you going to get them to open up if they can't sense your non-verbal cues? What if there's a time lag? Will this even work? Constraints breed creativity. Rather than mourning the loss of our in-person research days, this is an opportunity to quickly improve your facilitation techniques. Our job as facilitators is to create a safe and comfortable space for a stranger to share their thoughts and ideas with us, through the use of voice, questions, prompts, and activities. We're going to borrow some methods from jazz improvisers because they also have to quickly create safe spaces with total strangers. Like improvising, there is an art to good research facilitation, but its components are learnable and you can get better pretty quickly if you know what to practice. This talk will break down the qualities of great user research facilitation into bite-sized methods and techniques that you can actually practice and put to use immediately.

Q&A with Rachel Price

Rachel Price
Senior Information Architect
Andy Budd
Founder of Clearleft and Curator of SofaConf

Andy will take your questions for Rachel


Andy Budd
Founder of Clearleft and Curator of SofaConf

Oooh yeah! That was Day 2 - a few words from Andy to round up the day, stay tuned for tonight's film.

Clearleft Curates: Margaret Lee, Insights from a Reluctant Leader

Margaret Lee, Director of User Experience Design, Google gave this talk at Leading Design London 2018. Her beautiful and candid personal journey moved the audience to tears and we are delighted to share it with you today. Margaret asked - do natural born leaders really exist? If so, where does that leave the rest of us? Is our notion of leadership out of sync with the reality of humankind? The current view of what constitutes a leader hasn’t progressed with the rallying cry for diversity and inclusion. What message does this send to future leaders from all walks of life, who may not fit the accepted norms of leadership traits? In this talk, Margaret will reflect on her own path as a reluctant leader, and how she reconciled her authentic self with performance expectations. She will challenge us to recognise different qualities that are essential to building a healthy team, and how we can shape a meaningfully diverse workforce by embracing an inclusive definition of leadership qualities, and the rich humanity that brings with it.

Support our Front Liners

Help support the incredible groups working to respond to the COVID19 crisis, with an optional charity donation when you buy your ticket.

For more information see the ticket page